Today December 24, Christmas Eve, I reflect upon this year with wonder. I wonder what in the world happened. Wow! What a year! In my lifetime! God knew. He knows in what season each of us must be here to witness and to do the purpose for which

we are created for. I cannot do anything of my own strength. It is the HE that lives in me that makes things happen. Hadassah/Esther. Surely Jesus/Yeshua was not born on December 25th. But through grace and mercy we are forgiven for this misunderstanding. The point is that we sincerely think upon what GIFT we have received. The Gift of LIFE is much more valuable than any present under the Christmas tree. To be absent from God is DEATH. In HIM is where we receive Justice. Justice cannot come from man. Nothing we do will ever fill that void. DEATH… This means we lose his presence, because He cannot fellowship in sin. God loved the world he created and the children He created so much that God sent himself in the body of Jesus Christ his son to redeem us. Redeem means to pay the price. The ultimate death sacrifice was made, Jesus defeated death. He rose from the dead and walked right out of the tomb. It is this GIFT I walk with every day, this knowledge. This is what Christmas means to me. This is what the birth of Christ, the story in the manager, the three wise men, mean to me. Although this physical body will die, I will live an eternal life because I accept that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, was crucified, died and rose again in order that I may LIVE. It is with the strength of this knowledge I walk through COVID -19, and any other mountain that comes my way. I tell myself, because HE walked out of the tomb, I am walking out right behind Him. I have the GIFT. All year long. Every day I wake up; I have the GIFT. Let us remember that in the book of Esther, the “bad guy” “Haman” plotted to kill a whole race of people that he was upset with because (Mordecai) refused to bow down. How does this relate to today? Think about it. Ask God to reveal to you understanding. All I can say is when facing physical death, it is scary. I will not lie to you. I get afraid, nervous, I worry, there is so much unknown. But I push through because fear must die. I refuse to be held in the chains of fear because of what I do know. Death is defeated. The end is already written. So, December 29, 30, 31 let us fast together and pray. I will go before the King, I plead for myself, my family, friends, my nation, the world Esther 4:16. We are all precious in his eyes. I love you all. Those I know and those I do not know. It is not to judge anyone or anyone’s sins. Love conquers. I started off this year talking about love and I will end this year talking about love. God loves all his children so much! This faith is my position. Identity. If you do not know who you are, let me remind you. You are precious, you are loved,
You are the son/daughter of God
You are the salt of the earth
You are redeemed
You are set free
You are joint heir
You are blessed
You are alive with Christ
You are accepted and beloved
You are free from condemnation
You are complete in Him
You are the head and not the tail
You are above and not beneath
You are justified
You are forgiven
You are Chosen
You are righteous and made Holy
You are a citizen of Heaven
You are brought with a price
Please complete the rest for me. Let us encourage each other during this time. Destiny is calling.